Celebrating 65 Years of Indonesia - Cambodia Relations: Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh Organizes Roundtable Dialogue
Nata Kesuma
Minggu, 18 Februari 2024 - 10:40 WIB

Thepresidentpost.id - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - The Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh organised a Roundtable Dialogue celebrating Indonesia-Cambodia Relations for 65 Years at the embassy (13/2). The event was attended by 20 participants, including officials, researchers, and academics from Indonesia and Cambodia. The dialogue aimed to discuss various aspects of the bilateral relationship between the two countries, coinciding with the celebration of 65 years of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Cambodia in 2024, precisely on February 13.
"The dialogue aims to draw ideas from academic discussions involving leading scholars and propose strategies to further enhance bilateral relations for the next 65 years," stated Ambassador Santo Darmosumarto during the opening session.
Several crucial issues were discussed during the event, such as the strong historical ties between Indonesia and Cambodia, cooperation in trade, investment, tourism, and infrastructure, as well as the potential partnership in addressing regional and global issues. Participants emphasised the importance of strengthening the ASEAN community development through programs and activities that directly benefit both nations.
According to Ambassador Santo, Indonesia does not want to be known only for its services in Cambodia in the past but also as a partner in advancing Cambodia's growing economy. The Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh suggested the formation of commitments by both governments to empower the younger generation in shaping the future of Indonesia - Cambodia bilateral relations.
The dialogue was attended by Senior Minister Sok Siphana, Ambassador Phou Suthirak from the Cambodia Regional Studies Center, Vora Huy Kanthoul from the Cambodia Institute for Peace and Cooperation, and Dr. Mey Kalyan from the Cambodia Development Institute. Prof. Dr. Tirta Nugraha Mursitama and Dr. Ardhitya Yeremia from Bina Nusantara University and the University of Indonesia, respectively, came from Jakarta to join the event.
Last year, Indonesia ranked as Cambodia's 6th trading partner, with total bilateral trade amounting to around USD 1.1 billion. Indonesia's successful ASEAN leadership in 2023 was built upon the achievements made by Cambodia during its ASEAN chairmanship in the previous year.
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