# covid
Entertainment 18/01/2024 09:45 WIB
Women's Health Remains in Crisis Worldwide Even as COVID-19 Pandemic Wanes
The world faces an emergency in women’s health even as the COVID-19 pandemic wanes, according to one of the largest annual updates on women’s well-being — the Hologic Global Women’s…
National 09/05/2023 17:27 WIB
President Jokowi Urges to End Violence in Myanmar
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo reasserted that the violence in Myanmar should be stopped immediately.
National 20/03/2023 16:20 WIB
President Jokowi Gives Appreciation for the Contribution of Various Parties in Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic
RI President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) presented awards to various parties who have contributed and worked hard in efforts to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.
National 13/02/2023 08:57 WIB
Successfully Handling the Covid-19 Pandemic, Coordinating Minister for Airlangga Reveals a Number of Government Strategic Policies
The success of handling the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia was due to efforts and coordination with the Government and all levels of society.
Economy 08/02/2023 13:00 WIB
Record Extraordinary Growth Throughout 2022, the Domestic Market Continues to Support the Strong National Economy
Even though it was hit by the storm of the Covid-19 pandemic and also affected by developments in the current global conditions which are still experiencing ups and downs, the national economy is still…
National 17/02/2021 22:30 WIB
Cegah Covid-19, Peruri Gelar Swab Antigen kepada Lebih dari 2.300 Karyawan
Tes swab antigen ini merupakan tahap pertama dari beberapa tahap tes yang akan dilakukan Peruri guna mengidentifikasi Covid-19 di lingkungan perusahaan secara keseluruhan.
National 30/01/2021 11:15 WIB
Catat! Satgas COVID-19 Tegaskan Biaya Perawatan Pasien COVID-19 Ditanggung Negara
Kementerian Kesehatan dan Satgas Penanganan COVID-19 terus memonitor pelanggaran seperti itu. Masyarakat yang mengalaminya diminta segera melaporkan ke dinas kesehatan atau satgas setempat.
National 28/01/2021 11:15 WIB
Penerima Vaksin COVID-19 Sebut Tidak Ada Efek Samping
Para penerima vaksin tersebut mengungkapkan tidak ada efek samping serius yang dirasakan usai divaksinasi baik pada dosis pertama maupun dosis kedua.
Opinion 27/01/2021 15:15 WIB
Pemerintah Benahi Kendala Awal Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi COVID-19
Presiden mengatakan, dengan 30.000 vaksinator yang ada di kurang lebih 10.000 puskesmas maupun 3.000 rumah sakit, ia menargetkan 900 ribu – 1 juta pelaksanaan vaksinasi per hari.
Opinion 27/01/2021 14:15 WIB
Ini Kesan Presiden Jokowi Setelah Disuntik Vaksin COVID-19 Dosis Kedua
Setelah mengikuti proses observasi kemungkinan Kejadian Ikutan Pascaimunasisi (KIPI) selama sekitar 30 menit, Presiden melanjutkan aktivitasnya dengan melantik Komisaris Jenderal (Komjen) Polisi Listyo…