# export
Business 17/02/2024 11:37 WIB
Minister of Industry Agus Optimistic 2024 Indonesia's Manufacturing Industry Exports Reach USD193.4 Billion
The non-oil and gas processing industry is still a leading sector in contributing to the achievement of national export performance. So far, the contribution of shipments of manufactured products remains…
Economy 11/12/2023 09:05 WIB
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Promotes Export by Disseminating the Economic Intelligence Data
“Each year, Indonesian Missions conduct economic intelligence study containing information on the economic situations of export target countries, as well as the challenges and opportunities for…
Business 03/11/2023 15:05 WIB
INOV Experiences 25% Export Sales Surge Since Last Quarter
PT Inocycle Technology Group Tbk (INOV: IJ) Indonesia’s leading and largest PET waste recycling company recently announced its financial results for the 9M23.
Business 31/05/2023 13:47 WIB
Indonesia Exports Aircraft to Thailand
The Indonesian Consulate in Songkhla welcomed the arrival of one NC212i aircraft produced by PT Dirgantara Indonesia on 30 May 2023 at Hat Yai international airport.
Economy 20/02/2023 08:31 WIB
Facilitating UMKM Go Export, Government Facilitates Access to Financing to Training
The government always pays special attention to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector because this sector's contribution to GDP has reached 61%, and is able to absorb up to 97% of the…
National 03/02/2023 14:15 WIB
Discussing Strengthening the Digital Economy to Support for Indonesia's Chair in ASEAN 2023, Coordinating Minister Airlangga Meets Minister of Export of the United Kingdom
The government continues to make efforts to improve bilateral cooperation relations with various countries to support the national economy, one of which is with the UK which can become a bridge for wider…
Science & Tech 16/11/2020 10:01 WIB
Terima Aplikasi IMACE dari Kementan, Kang Emil Dorong Pelaku Usaha Tingkatkan Eskpor Pertanian
Kementerian Pertanian melalui Badan Karantina Pertanian menyerahterimakan aplikasi peta potensi ekspor produk pertanian berorientasi ekspor atau IMACE (Indonesia Maps of Agriculture Export, red) kepada…